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Anna Kournikova Replaces Jillian Michaels on The Biggest Loser

Jillian Michaels enjoyed watching The Biggest Loser’s finale of season 11 with a smile and content.
She said, "To see the show wrap up with three female finalists and a female winner with a group of contestants whom Bob and I adored, it was the perfect ending."

Michaels is a veteran trainer of The Biggest Loser of the United States. In December, she announced that she will be leaving the series after the completion of season 11.

In a recent interview, she said, "I am grateful for what the show has given me, but it's no secret that I've been wanting to be in daytime for years now. To join Dr. Phil on his show and have him as a mentor – I couldn't ask for a better situation than The Doctors and Dr. Phil. So I'm just hoping to earn my keep over there and do a good job."

Michaels is 37 years old and she is looking to adopt a child. She said, "It's a waiting game. There is nothing I can do, which is not a familiar space for me. I'm so used to being able to affect change and be proactive and right now, it's like, the paperwork is in and you wait."

The other trainer of ‘the biggest loser’ is Bob Harper. He feels great about Michaels. He said, Michaels "has been my confidant, friend and foe, my wife at times. We have gone through so much together since season one and she's moving on, which is great for her."

Anna Kournikova, 29, is scheduled to fill the void which will be left as Jillian Michaels will move out of the show.

Commenting on Anna Kournikova’s role on The Biggest Loser, Bob Harper said, "She's a world-class athlete who is going to walk into the house and I think it's going to be great. It's going to be an adjustment for all of us but I am really excited."

On Tuesday, during the finale of The Biggest Loser, Kournikova introduced herself to the audience through a clip and said, "I know all about discipline, strength and conditioning, commitment. This is my chance to give back, the opportunity of a lifetime and a way to teach the contestants everything I know."